What is a Good Character to Get Started with Dota 2?

Are you new to Dota 2 and unsure which hero to pick for your first match? Dota 2 is a complex and challenging game that requires strategy, teamwork, and individual skill. Choosing the right hero is crucial to your success in the game. 

The game boasts over 100 playable heroes, each with unique abilities and playstyles. It can be overwhelming for beginners to choose a hero that suits their playstyle and abilities. 

When starting, it is essential to select a hero that is easy to play and understand. Once you get the hang of it, you can experiment with more challenging heroes.

In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of selecting a hero that is good for starting in Dota 2.

Tips for choosing a good character to get started with Dota 2

Here are some tips for choosing a good character to get started with Dota 2:

  • Select a hero with a simple playstyle
  • Choose a hero that suits your preferred role (carry, support, off-lane, or mid-lane)
  • Look for heroes with high survivability and escape abilities
  • Pick a hero that has a strong impact on the game, even if you fall behind

What is a Good Character to Get Started with Dota 2?

What is a Good Character to Get Started with Dota 2?

The answer to this question may vary depending on your preferred playstyle and role. However, some heroes are easier to play and understand than others, making them ideal for beginners. 

Here are some of the best heroes to get started with Dota 2:

1. Wraith King

Wraith King is a melee strength hero that is easy to play and understand. He has a simple kit that includes a stun, critical strike, and resurrection ability. Wraith King’s ultimate ability, Reincarnation, allows him to come back to life after death, making him a durable hero in team fights.

2. Lich

Lich is a ranged intelligence hero that is excellent for beginners. He is a support hero that can control the lane and help his team with his abilities. 

Lich’s Frost Nova ability slows and damages enemies in a small area, making it an excellent tool for harassment and team fights. He also has a powerful ultimate ability that damages enemies and slows them down.

3. Dragon Knight

Dragon Knight is a melee strength hero that is easy to play and understand. He has a simple kit that includes a stun, passive armor, and regeneration ability. Dragon Knight’s ultimate ability, Dragon Form, transforms him into a dragon, giving him increased movement speed and attack range.

4. Sniper

Sniper is a ranged agility hero that is easy to play and understand. He has a simple kit that includes a long-range attack and a headshot ability that stuns enemies. A sniper is a carry hero that can deal massive damage to enemies from a safe distance. He is also relatively safe in team fights due to his long attack range.

5. Viper

Viper is a ranged agility hero that is easy to play and understand. He has a simple kit that includes a slowing ability and a poison attack that damages enemies over time. 

Viper is a carry hero that can deal a lot of damage to enemies and has high survivability due to his Corrosive Skin ability, which damages enemies that attack him.