Do you have any questions about creating a Mannequin in Sons of the Forest? The building formula and other information are available in this guide, so you are in the right location.
Even if the game contains a lot of helpful products, the ability to store things will be essential. You will need the greatest tools and gear in a situation where danger is all around you. Since the game is still in early access, many features are not yet fully functional.
Even though the Mannequin is one such item, keeping it in your base and building it will be useful whenever updates start to appear.
Sons of the Forest: Mannequin Construction Techniques

In Sons of the Forest, you’ll need 20 sticks and 5 pieces of duct tape to construct a Mannequin. Although it won’t take long to construct, it won’t work as intended. One of the storage spaces the game utilizes to keep specific goods is mannequins.
There are undoubtedly more of these devices, which are employed for various purposes. The Mannequin, however, has only been used for storing armor so far.
Many players have complained that they are unable to play. Sadly, there is no way to fix it. Although it might not be a priority item, Endnight Games will update the game frequently, so sooner or later in the Early Access you will have a working one.
We do think the developers will get to it soon because it allows you to relieve some of the load on your inventory. Nevertheless, as soon as you can use the Mannequin to store your armor, we’ll update this guide.
Is It Working To Build A Mannequin In Sons of the Forest?
The mannequin feature in Sons of the Forest can be a useful tool for players who are looking to distract enemies. By placing the mannequin in an area, players can lure enemies away from their location, giving them time to escape or prepare for an attack.
However, it’s important to note that the mannequin is not foolproof. While some enemies may be distracted by the mannequin, others may not be fooled and will continue to pursue the player. Additionally, the mannequin is not indestructible and can be destroyed by enemies if they attack it.
Overall, while the mannequin can be useful in certain situations, it’s not a guaranteed way to distract enemies and should not be relied upon as a sole method of survival.
Pros and Cons of Using a Mannequin in Sons of the Forest
To help players decide whether or not to build a mannequin in Sons of the Forest, here are some pros and cons to consider:
- Can distract enemies and provide a temporary escape.
- Can be used to lure enemies into traps or ambushes.
- Easy to build with the right materials.
- Not guaranteed to distract all enemies.
- Can be destroyed by enemies.
- Takes up inventory space.
When to Use a Mannequin in Sons of the Forest?
While the mannequin can be a helpful tool in certain situations, it’s important for players to use it strategically.
Here are some scenarios where the mannequin may be particularly effective:
- When being chased by a group of enemies: If a player is being pursued by multiple enemies, placing a mannequin in one direction can help to lure some of them away and create an opening for the player to escape.
- When setting up an ambush: If a player knows that enemies will be coming through a certain area, they can place a mannequin in a strategic location to lure them into a trap or ambush.
- When exploring unfamiliar areas: If a player is entering a new area and is unsure of the danger level, placing a mannequin in a potential danger zone can help to alert them to the presence of enemies.
Overall, building a mannequin in Sons of the Forest can be a helpful tool for survival, but it should not be relied upon as a sole method of defense. The mannequin can be useful in distracting enemies and providing a temporary escape, but it’s not a guaranteed solution and should be used strategically.
Ultimately, whether or not to build a mannequin in Sons of the Forest is a decision that players should make based on their own playing style and preferences. With careful planning and strategic use, the mannequin can be a valuable addition to a player’s survival toolkit.