Sons Of The Forest is an action-packed game where you play as a survivor stranded in a mysterious forest. The game requires you to collect weapons to fight off various creatures that roam the forest. While some weapons are easy to find, others are well hidden, making it difficult for players to locate them.
However, with our guide, you will be able to find all the weapons in the game without any hassle.
Sons Of The Forest: All Weapon Spawn Locations

Here are all the weapon spawn locations in Sons Of The Forest:
- Hand Axe – You can find the hand axe in the airplane wreckage. It is located in the cockpit, which is at the front of the plane.
- Modern Axe – The modern axe can be found in a cave system located on the northern part of the map. It is located in the room with the climbing wall.
- Katana – The Katana is located in a cave system located on the southern part of the map. It is located in a room that can only be accessed by swimming through a small underwater passage.
- Chainsaw – The chainsaw can be found in a cave system located on the western part of the map. It is located in a room that can only be accessed by climbing up a series of ropes.
- Machete – The machete can be found in the village near the yacht. It is located inside a hut near the water’s edge.
- Club – The club can be crafted by combining a stick with a skull. You can find skulls in various caves and in the cannibal village.
In conclusion, finding all the weapons in Sons Of The Forest can be a challenging task, but with our guide, you can easily locate all the weapons and make your survival in the forest a lot easier. Remember to explore all the locations thoroughly and craft weapons when needed to make your journey a success.