Step by step explanation of crafting the Slime Block Launch Pad in Minecraft

In Minecraft, you’ll need 8 Enchanted Slimeball and 1 Enchanted Redstone to make a Slime Block Launch Pad. When you have everything, just go to your 3×3 crate table. And put the Magic Slimeballs around the Magic Redstone. The Enchanted Redstone should be in the centre of the Enchanted Slimeballs.

To understand it easily, follow the below steps:

  1. To begin, dig a cross-shaped hole two blocks deep.
  1. Stick the piston in the middle and sprinkle some red dust on the sides.
  1. Cover the holes on the piston with a slime block and use a furnace in place of the obsidians.
  1. Now fourth step is to create pressure on the Redstone by putting pressure plates on it.
  1. Now you are ready to launch! Every time you will walk between pressure plate and slime block you will jump higher.

Enjoy Minecraft!!!