Download and install the HogWarp multiplayer mod for Hogwarts Legacy.

As we are all aware, there is currently no multiplayer option available in Hogwarts Legacy. But you can now play the game with your friend’s thanks to a co-op mod created by The Together Team.

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If you’ve already downloaded the HogWarp co-op mod but are unsure how to set it up, don’t worry; we’ve got you covered.

This article includes a step-by-step walkthrough on how to quickly download and install a multiplayer mod for Hogwarts Legacy.

How to Install the HogWarp Multiplayer Mod for Hogwarts Legacy?

How to Install the HogWarp Multiplayer Mod for Hogwarts Legacy?

Download the HogWarp co-op mod first if you want to play Hogwarts Legacy multiplayer. You must become a Patreon supporter of the Together Team to do this. If you are a current subscriber, continue reading for installation instructions.

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  • After subscribing, proceed to download the mod by connecting your Discord account to Patreon.
  • Next, find the HogWarp zip file under client release in the HogWarp channel on Discord and download it.
  • After that, just extract the file wherever on your computer.
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    To avoid confusion, it is advised that you first create a new HogWarp folder and then put the file inside it.
  • Make sure to add an exclusion for the following Mod folder to your anti-virus program after you have finished adding the files to the new folder. Otherwise, you might be able to run the mod without any issues now.
  • The HogWarp Launcher exe should then be opened after going to the new folder. When you do this, your browser will prompt you to authenticate by logging in with your Discord account. Make sure you grant all requested permissions as well.
  • Launch the game and load your character once the authentication process is complete.

  • Press the Ctrl key on your keyboard after spawning in the wizardry world to load up the co-op mod servers.
  • Choose the official HogWarp server after that to begin playing with your friends.
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