Should I give, ask for money, or keep Gwyneira in the Hogwarts legacy?

You can choose to keep, gift, or ask Marianne Moffett for money in the Hogwarts Legacy Birds of Feather side quest. For those who are unaware, when you first arrive in Marunweem town, you will encounter this task.

Marianne Moffett may be found here and will beg you to save a Diricawl by the name of Gwyneira from poachers. The player wonders what to do after catching the lovely white feathered bird because she seems somewhat strange. If you have the same concern, we can assist you in making a decision.

Should I Give Gwyneira in Hogwarts Legacy (Birds of Feather Quest), Ask for Money, or Keep Her?

Should I Give Gwyneira in Hogwarts Legacy

You can select any of the options provided in the Birds of Feather quest after you have captured the bird from the Diricawl Den. e.g., in Hogwarts Legacy, to Give, Ask for Money, or Keep Gwyneira from Marianne Moffett.

While there are no repercussions, it will undoubtedly have an impact on the rewards you receive. We have listed all the possible possibilities below for your better knowledge, so you can make your own decision.

  • You will receive 300 Galleons, 180 XP, and a Debonair Socialite Ensemble outfit for choosing to Give Gwyneira.
  • You will receive 500 Galleons, 180 XP, and the Debonair Socialite Ensemble outfit if you choose to Ask for Money.
  • With the option to Keep, you can keep Gwyneira’s outfit from the Debonair Socialite Ensemble, 180 XP, and the Room of Requirements.

As you can see, choosing the Ask Money option can net you extra Galleons, which is pretty advantageous. On the other side, Marianne Moffett will win the Gwyneira over you. You can choose the option to keep it if you are concerned about her intentions. However, doing so will enrage her, which will cause some unfavorable remarks.

The options to Give, Ask for Money, or Keep Gwyneira in the Birds of Feather task in Hogwarts Legacy are now complete.