Locations of All Broom Vendors in the Hogwarts Legacy

As a fifth-year academic student in Hogwarts Legacy, flying various brooms can become your daily routine. Even though Quidittch has been postponed this year, you can still complete the Flying Class quest to unlock the ability to purchase various flying brooms.

Obtaining them can be essential if you have your eye on the Collector’s Edition trophy because every broom is a cosmetic collectible. These brooms are available for purchase from the various broom sellers and merchants dispersed across the open world. Check out our guide to learn more about the Hogwarts Legacy Broom Vendors.

Hogwarts Legacy in Full vendors of brooms

There are a total of 13 Brooms throughout the game that are separate collections. You can purchase all nine brooms from the broom vendors in addition to the four flying brooms.

Different Balloon challenges must be completed for the four brooms. You must fly through your brooms to pop the balloons in order to complete these challenges. Regarding the remaining brooms, you can primarily purchase them from five vendors.

So, the following locations of each broom vendor in Hogwarts Legacy are exact:

Sports Needs Sprintwiches

Sports Needs Sprintwiches

After passing your first flying class, you’ll be able to access one of the initial Broom vendors. It may be found in the Hogsmeade neighborhood, where five brooms are on sale.

Albie Weekes, who allegedly is developing broom enhancements, owns and operates the Sprintwiches Sporting Needs store. The following are the five brooms that Sprintwiches Sporting Needs sells:

  • Ember Dash Broom
  • Hogwarts House Broom
  • Moon Trimmer Broom
  • Yew Weaver Broom
  • Wind Wisp Broom

Broom Ember Dash

In Hogwarts Legacy, you can interact with and speak to Albie Weekes to purchase the aforementioned brooms. Each Broom at Sprintwiches Sporting Needs costs 600 gold galleons, however, prices for the other brooms may differ.

Family-owned antique broom seller

The Family Antique Broom is available from Priya Treadwell, a nomadic shopkeeper. She is situated in the southeast corner of the map, in the southern Feldcroft region. When you go there, chat with her to negotiate the price of 25,000 Galleons for the Family Antique Broom.

Vendor of Aeromancer Brooms

Rohan Prakash, another roving trader, is where you can purchase the Aeromancer Broom. Go to the point where the Poidsear coast and Marunweem Lake meet for that. He is close to the Floo Flame Point near the Marunweem Bridge. Interact and converse with Rohan Prakash to pay 3,000 Galleons for the Aeromancer broom.

Vendor of Sky Scythe Brooms

The Sky Scythe Broom is available from Leopold Babcock’s shop for purchase. Near the ruins, to the southwest of the East North Ford Bog Floo flame point, is where you’ll find this store. Leopold Babcock can be contacted and spoken to purchase the Sky Scythe broom for 5,000 Gold Galleons.

Sterling Arrow Broom Seller

The merchant Arn is the last place where you may purchase the Silver Arrow broom. His store is located in the Hogwarts Valley area, south of the Central Hogwarts Valley floo flame. Talk to him as soon as you are there to purchase the Silver Arrow Broom for 5,000 Gold Galleons. But take note that you can only access this merchant after finishing the Carted Away sidequest.

Check out our farming tutorials on how to quickly make gold and passively generate unlimited funds if you’re running low on cash.

Additional Broom Locations

As previously indicated, in order to obtain the remaining brooms, you must successfully finish each Pop Ballons challenge. If you need further clarification on these difficulties, see our guide on popping balloons. You can obtain the following brooms by successfully completing the aforementioned tasks:

  • Awarded for completing the Tier I Balloon tasks is the Night Dancer Broom.
  • Tier II Balloon Challenge completion reward: Lickety Swift Broom.
  • Tier III Balloon Challenge completion reward: Wild Fire Broom.
  • The Tier IV Balloon Challenges must be completed in order to earn the Bright Spark Broom.

That concludes our discussion of all the broom vendors in Hogwarts Legacy.