Missing Conjuration 139/140 in Hogwarts Legacy: The Solution

Hogwarts Legacy: How to Find One Missing Conjuration 139/140 (Solutions)

In addition to becoming a fifth-year student in school, players in Hogwarts Legacy must find all of the Conjuration spells. These can be obtained from various treasure chests to personalize your Vivarium or Room of Requirement.

Despite the fact that there are 140 conjurations in total, most players are having trouble locating the last conjuration spell. Only 139 of the 140 Conjurations can be obtained by players as a result of this completion problem.

However, is there a fix or workaround for this problem? I’d say there is. See our guide on where to look for the lost Conjuration 139/140 in Hogwarts Legacy for more information.

Hogwarts Legacy: How to Find One Missing Conjuration 139/140 (Solutions)

The Missing Conjurations in Hogwarts Legacy may have occurred for a number of causes. You might have missed one of the Conjuration spells because they can be found in the Collection Chests.

The map contains 157 Collection boxes in total, all of which are spread and designated. We advise you to confirm that you have emptied every Collection chest. However, if you’ve collected every chest and are still having trouble, try the next strategy.

From the Collections Tab, you can find out which specific Conjuration spell you are missing. From there, you can choose from a variety of categories based on how you can obtain the 140 Conjurations. Conjuration spells can be obtained in these categories from vendors, quests, challenges, and exploration.

On Reddit and Steam threads, the majority of players complained that they were missing one Conjuration from the Exploration tab. By following the Butterflies to the Collection Chests, you can find these Conjurations.

If, after obtaining all Butterfly chests, you are still having trouble finishing Conjurations 139/140 in Hogwarts Legacy, it appears to be the result of a bug. Therefore, since there is nothing you can do but wait, we advise players not to try too hard.

Fortunately, some PS5 players were able to access the last Collection Chest thanks to the most recent Patch (link). Therefore, it won’t be long before the butterflies lead you to the final missing Conjuration.

The developers acknowledged resolving the “Butterflies not appearing at a specified area” problem in the most recent Patch Notes. So, after updating the game to the most recent version, try to find the missing Conjuration. Check out our Hogwarts Legacy Wiki page for all the game’s information while you’re here.