All DMZ, MW2, and Warzone 2 Crown Tier 2 Salvager Locations

Are you trying to locate the Contraband Packs that you need to find to complete the Crown Tier 2 Salvager Mission in MW2 and Warzone 2 DMZ?

Then you have come to the correct place since all you need is this guide. A new extraction mode for COD dubbed the Crown is now accessible with the Season 2 update.

Unfortunately, the majority of missions are locked and excluded from the DMZ free-to-play experience.

However, we believe you can complete the Salvager assignment since you are looking for the Contraband Packs. The locations in Al Mazrah are listed below as a result.

Locations for all Salvager Contraband Packs in DMZ for MW2 and Warzone 2

Locations for all Salvager Contraband Packs in DMZ for MW2 and <a href=Warzone 2″/>

All Salvager Contraband Packs may be found in Al-Mazrah not far from the sunken ship in MW2 and Warzone 2 DMZ. They will be difficult to locate precisely, though. However, we’ll provide the addresses for you below.

Location of Salvager Contraband Pack 1

As you can see, the first contraband pack is on the wrecked ship off the coast of Sawah Village. You may simply walk through the enormous hole to the ship, turn right, and climb up. The first Contraband Pack will shortly be visible here.

Location of Salvager Contraband Pack 2

The second Salvager Contraband Pack in MW2 & Warzone 2 DMZ is situated within the partially submerged ship, as you can see in the image above. It is situated between two overturned tables. You can access the room to find it by going through the deck.

Location of Salvager Contraband Pack 3.

This one is the most unpleasant because you have to submerge yourself. The place indicated in the above image is the location of a sunken ship. Once you have mastered underwater swimming, you can obtain the Contraband Pack.

You can receive more clarification by watching the video below if you find that this is all confusing. All Salvager Contraband Pack locations in MW2 and Warzone 2 DMZ are described in this manner.