The Far Cry 6 Cache Money Treasure Hunt is giving you trouble. Learn how to easily go through it.
You may complete the treasure search for Cache Money in Far Cry 6. As in the past, the treasure hunt is a side task that has nothing to do with the main plot. However, there is a considerable probability that you will complete these tasks with resources and rewards of higher quality.
So, scroll down to see how to finish FC6’s Cache Money Treasure Hunt.
How do you finish the Far Cry 6 Money Cache Treasure Hunt?

You must first travel to Aguas Lindas to start the FC6 Cache Money Treasure Hunt. When the diamond icon appears on the map, follow it. As soon as you arrive, interact with the note that is on one of the poles. The treasure quest will begin as a result.
Go back to the building’s back and look for a little gated yard. Enter and use the ladder to ascend to the roof. Find the trigger button once you arrive here. When you interact with it, the bunker door will be unlocked.
The mission will thereafter be finished as a result. Now that you’ve taken the same path as the cabin, your efforts will have yielded a new weapon.
This is all there is to know about how to partially complete the Cache Money Treasure Hunt in Far Cry 6.

Use any weapon to shoot into the gap and blow the barrels after the door has half opened. This will cause a vent to open on the bunker’s upper side. The Far Cry 6 Cache Money Treasure Hunt can be continued by entering through this region and dropping inside.
Another hatch can be found within, which you should open. Once you’ve interacted with it, just descend the ladder. Now you will encounter a caged area. Grab the keycard and blow the lock off the gate.

To open the associated sealer door, use the keycard. You will now find a room with a poster of Jose Castillo in it. Locate the table with the TV cabinet, then press the button on the table’s base to turn it on.
This will let you into a nearby room. When you enter, a unique crate will be waiting for you with a resolver sniper as your reward.
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