Learn how to finish Far Cry 6’s Paradise Lost quest.
One of the main story quests in Far Cry 6 is called Paradise Lost. The fight to release Yara advances significantly with the completion of this quest, which appears near the end of the campaign. It is a rather simple job to finish.
To learn how to finish the Paradise Lost task in FC6, scroll down. Major spoilers to follow!
How can I finish the Far Cry 6 Paradise Lost mission?

You start the quest by going to a rooftop in the Esperanza area. The mission will then start, and you will be given certain waypoints to follow as a result. These markers identify certain power plants located throughout the city.
You’ll be responsible for detonating these mobile generators. You just need to eliminate all of the special forces guarding this region. There are often only three guards posted here. As soon as you’ve taken care of them, move over to the generator and detonate the bomb by selecting the appropriate interact button.

You may place all of the explosives and bombs using the HUD. Now, the Far Cry 6 mission Paradise Lost’s first stage will be finished. Juan will give you a picture with directions to meet him once you’ve planted the explosives.
You can start a cutscene where Juan mentions Anton being in a nearby hotel by going up to the rooftop. Use the zipline to descend from the roof and get to the hotel. Clear out all of the guards in the hotel lobby.
Once you’ve completed this, head to the lobby and grab the key card for the elevator from the desk. Return to the elevator now and take it up to the top floor. A cutscene will start as a result. You’ll need to leave the motel after the sequence.

To do this, first expel the soldiers from the area, then get to “El Presidente,” the presidential car. Using this car, make your getaway and arrive at a specific waypoint. With this, Far Cry 6’s Paradise Lost quest will be finished.
This is all there is to know about the Far Cry 6 Paradise Lost mission.
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