How Do You Get Through the Far Cry 6 GDP Oil Platform Crane Puzzle?

Learn how to solve the FC6 GDP Oil Platform Crane puzzle by reading this guide.

In Far Cry 6, completing the GDP Oil Platform Crane Challenge is crucial if you want to acquire the Yaran Contraband. You must therefore ensure that you complete this puzzle successfully. Do not worry if you are one of those who finds it difficult to accomplish. 

We’ll help you complete this puzzle in this guide.

How Do You Get Through the Far Cry 6 GDP Oil Platform Crane Puzzle?

How Do You Get Through the Far Cry 6 GDP Oil Platform Crane Puzzle?

The GDP Oil Platform in FC6 is the first place you must go in order to successfully accomplish this challenge. This platform can be found in the region of Madrugada, in the far northwest of the province of Aguas Lindas. 

You’ll see that another container is blocking the container that contains the Yaran contraband chest in this location. A crane will support this container. You must first clear the path to your container in order to access it.

How Do You Get Through the Far Cry 6 GDP Oil Platform Crane Puzzle?

When you arrive at the rig, move to the southwest of the platform. You should proceed to the platform’s control room from here. Due to the grenade sign painted on its walls, this chamber is easy to recognize.

Look for a button in the corner once you are inside the control room. This button is situated on a yellow terminal, and because of its vivid red hue, it is easy to spot.

By pressing this button, you can watch the outside crane slowly rise and raise the container. Approach the container now and open it. You can find a ton of different useful resources inside this container. 

How Do You Get Through the Far Cry 6 GDP Oil Platform Crane Puzzle?

Also available to you is the Supercharger shotgun. Three in rank, this weapon possesses excellent damage output when discharged at foes. Its magnet contains seven shots and has a rate of fire of 240.

You can also watch our mission video guide to make things easier:

The end of that. You can complete the GDP Oil Platform Crane task in Far Cry 6 by following these easy instructions. You will receive the Yaran Contraband and the potent Supercharger shotgun if you do this. 

As you can see, it’s fairly easy to figure out this puzzle. The fact that most of your work may be completed by simply pressing a button contributes significantly to this.

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