Find out where to get Far Cry 6’s Angelito FW Turbo.
In Far Cry 6, there is a magnificent flying machine you may employ called the Angelito FW Turbo. You’ll be able to fly away from any pursuers and outrun them. And once the smoke has cleared, just choose any open field or road to land on. One of the best resolver tools available in the game is this one.
To learn how to obtain the Angelito FW Turbo Flying Car in FC6, scroll down.
How can I get a Far Cry 6 Angelito FW Turbo Flying Car?

You must upgrade your Guerilla Camp before you may receive the Angelito FW Turbo Flying Car in FC6. You will therefore need to visit your camp and look for the camp foreman. Simply walk over, engage, and converse with the foreman.
Once you’ve done that, be sure to improve your guerilla camp with a hidden network. Upgrade the camp’s Hidden Network facilities as well.
Now, in Far Cry 6, all you have to do is head over to the Hideout Conjunto to obtain the Angelito FW Turbo. On the map, this place is shown as being in East Barrial. To do this, though, you must pay the Chief Scout at the Guerilla Camp for the hideout location.
Once you get to the scene, you will be able to immediately see the vehicle. You only need to engage with it to be able to drive it. Take it to a drop-off location on the road so you can locate and summon the automobile from a phone booth.
This completes the information on where to find the Angelito FW Turbo in Far Cry 6.
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