What is the Location of the Holosprings Pamphlet in Sons of the Forest?

One of the many perplexing artifacts you may find in Sons of the Forest is the Holosprings booklet. I refer to it as puzzling because there is no obvious application for it after you locate it. However, you should add it to your inventory if you enjoy gathering every item a game has to offer. 

So, for your convenience, here is a quick guide to the location of the Holosprings Pamphlet in Sons of the Forest.

Where to Find Holosprings Pamphlet in Sons of the Forest?

Where to Find Holosprings Pamphlet in Sons of the Forest?

The Holosprings Pamphlet is located at the scene of the airplane crash. It is specifically on the plane’s right wing. The location is shown on the map as being in the southwest. Here is exactly how to get there:

    southwest region

      How Do I Use the Holosprings Brochure?

      The Holosprings Pamphlet has no recognized uses as of yet. It can be equipped so that you can read it. However, that seems to be it. It is inscribed with the information below.

      The Front

        Front Side

          That concludes this instruction on where to find and how to utilize the Holosprings Pamphlet in Sons of the Forest.

          Tips for Finding the Holosprings Pamphlet


            Finding the Holosprings Pamphlet in Sons of the Forest can be a daunting task, but with our guide, you now know the different locations where you can find it. Remember to explore each area thoroughly, look for clues, and don’t give up. Happy hunting!