Here’s how to unlock Lost Ark’s FPS cap:
Your Lost Ark adventure’s next level greatly hinges on PvP. There are many opportunities to engage in combat with family, friends, and even in different game styles, including team deathmatch, elimination, and others.
There are times, though, when you might have known your opponent was moving more quickly than you were. So you might be thinking about how to abbreviate that.
Therefore, today’s topic will be how to unlock Lost Ark’s FPS cap.
How to Quickly Remove Lost Ark’s FPS Limit Drops?

In Lost Ark, there isn’t really a way to exceed your framerate cap. Thankfully, there are two simple workarounds you can try to achieve a smoother framerate.
Some of these tasks can be completed inside Lost Ark, while others demand that you change your GPU drivers.
Following that, here’s how to unlock Lost Ark’s FPS cap:
Open the “Nvidia Control Panel” from NVIDIA. From the “Manage 3D Settings” menu, select “Program Settings.” Go back to the list of application programs and select “Lost Ark.” The gamers must then turn off “vertical synchronization.”.
To save the changes, click “Apply.”
Set the “AMD Radeon” program to active. Click on “Lost Ark” when you find it beneath the gaming category. To unlock FPS right now, “Radeon Enhanced Sync” should be turned on.
By taking these steps, the 60 FPS restriction will be removed, enabling gamers to enjoy the highest frame rates possible. Players are advised to take simple safety steps like shutting down background apps in order to ensure that the game plays without any unexpected frame drops.
If you’re still having issues, be ready to change the “Screen” setting back to “Full Screen” in the game’s options panel. This is especially important if you’re using two or more displays because Lost Ark will lock its frame rate at the lowest frame rate across all of your screens.
Thanks for reading!
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