MSI Afterburner Not Starting With Windows 2023

Select “Computer” from the “Start” menu. Select the “C:” drive and double-click it. Open the “Program Files” folder by double-clicking on it. Open the “MSI Afterburner” folder. Right-click on the MSIAfterburner.exe file and choose “Properties.” Go to the “Security” tab. Select “Edit” under “Group or user names.” In the “Enter the object name to select” section, enter your username: Click on “OK.” Check the box next to “Full control”:

Do you need help getting MSI Afterburner to start with Windows in 2023? This can be a frustrating problem for anyone who relies on this overclocking software to optimize their PC’s performance.

In this article, we’ll explore some common causes of this issue and provide troubleshooting steps to help you get your MSI Afterburner back up and running.

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MSI Afterburner Not Starting With Windows 2023: Solution

MSI Afterburner Not Starting
  1. First, make sure MSI Afterburner is set up correctly.

You can do this by going to the Start menu and entering ” MSI afterburner ” followed by the enter key:

If “MSI Afterburner” is not one of the programs running, it’s because it hasn’t been installed and set up on your computer. We recommend looking into the MSI Afterburner manual for assistance.

  1. Verify the Windows startup setting.

Also, make sure MSI Afterburner is set to load at system startup. Here are the measures to take:

  • Open the “Control Panel” by pressing the “Start” button.
  • Currently running software should now be displayed.
  • To launch MSI Afterburner, double-click the program’s name.
  • Microsoft Institute (MSI) Afterburner will launch.
  • Navigate to the menu labeled “Settings.”
  • Pick “Automatic” from the “Startup type” menu:
  • Select “OK.”

Please exit MSI Afterburner now.

Also, Read

  1. Turn off any virus protection software you may have.

The antivirus program you’re running is to blame. As a first step in ruling this out, please run MSI Afterburner without your antivirus software enabled. Antivirus software is likely attempting to protect your system from MSI Afterburner, so if it boots up normally, you should re-enable the antivirus and remove the program.

  1. Rule out a problem with access controls.

If you still have trouble starting MSI Afterburner, try taking administrative privileges:

  • Select “Computer” from the “Start” menu.
  • Select the “C:” drive and double-click it.
  • Open the “Program Files” folder by double-clicking on it.
  • Scroll down and double-click on the “MSI Afterburner” folder.
  • Right-click on the MSIAfterburner.exe file and choose “Properties.”
  • Go to the “Security” tab.
  • Select “Edit” under “Group or user names.”
  • In the “Enter the object name to select” section, enter your username:
  • Click on “OK.”
  • Check the box next to “Full control”:
  • Click on “OK.”
  • Close all open windows and try starting MSI Afterburner again.
  1. Test out a variant of Windows that you haven’t used before.

MSI Afterburner may not work with your Windows version if it is old. If you’re using an older version of Windows and are experiencing issues, updating could help.

  1. Change the MSI Afterburner profile and see if it helps.

Your problem might be related to a corrupted profile or preset you imported into MSI Afterburner through the “Import” option on the profiles page.

The problem may be fixed by importing new versions of the profiles and uninstalling the old ones. The MSI Afterburner instructions will teach you how to do this.

  1. Try launching MSI afterburner in administrative mode.

If you’re still having trouble, try running the MSIAfterburner program with administrative privileges by right-clicking the executable file and choosing “Run as administrator.” The repair may need a fresh installation of MSI Afterburner.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, MSI Afterburner not working with Windows in 2023 can be caused by several factors, including conflicts with other software, changes to your PC’s settings, or updates to Windows itself.

Following the troubleshooting steps outlined in this article, you should get your MSI Afterburner back up and running. If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to leave a comment below.

The most important thing is to check your PC’s settings and ensure that the program is set to run automatically when the PC starts. Additionally, check the compatibility of the MSI Afterburner with the current windows version.

Frequently Ask Questions:

What is MSI Afterburner?

MSI Afterburner is a popular overclocking software that allows users to optimize the performance of their PC’s graphics card. It includes GPU and memory overclocking, fan control, and system monitoring. It helps you maintain your integrated graphic card, no matter if the graphic card is of Nvidia or any other company.

MSI Afterburner also includes rivatuner as we, along with it.

Why is MSI Afterburner not starting with Windows in 2023?

There can be several reasons MSI Afterburner is not starting with Windows 10 in 2023, including conflicts with other software, changes to your PC’s settings, or updates to Windows itself. Or uninstall the MSI Afterburner.

How can I fix MSI Afterburner not starting with Windows in 2023?

To fix the problem, try disabling or uninstalling any other overclocking or system monitoring software on your PC that may conflict with MSI Afterburner. Additionally, ensure that your PC is fully updated and that MSI Afterburner is running the latest version. Another troubleshooting step is to check your PC’s settings to ensure that the program is set to run automatically when the PC starts.

Is there any alternative to MSI Afterburner?

Other overclocking tools are available, such as EVGA Precision X1 or ASUS GPU Tweak II. Do check the compatibility mode of your windows.

Is it safe to overclock my PC’s graphics card?

Overclocking can increase the performance of your PC’s graphics card, but it also increases the risk of overheating and other hardware issues. It’s essential to follow safe overclocking practices and monitor your PC’s temperature and stability.

I can’t locate the MSI Afterburner executable file. Exactly where is it located?

It’s generally in your C:\Program Files\MSI Afterburner folder or something close to that. If you have difficulties locating it on your computer, try reviewing the MSI Afterburner instructions.

I’ve done everything suggested here, but MSI Afterburner won’t launch. Please advise.

If you’ve exhausted all other options without success, reinstalling MSI Afterburner might be your final choice. Before proceeding, check that you are using the most up-to-date version of MSI Afterburner available on the developer’s site.

How can I take complete command of MSI Afterburner?

To achieve this, you must navigate to the “Security” tab in the Properties box of the MSIAfterburner.exe file and then add your username to the list of users with total power over the application.

What are the steps for changing my username?

To accomplish this, double-click on your primary hard disc (often labeled “C”) in the “Computer” section of your Start menu. If you want to change your username, a window will appear; click on it and follow the on-screen instructions.

I’m running a very old or outdated version of Windows, and MSI Afterburner is not compatible with it. What can I do?

If you’re using an older version of Windows and are experiencing issues, updating could help. Compatibility concerns are frequently resolved in new upgrades to the program.